Hermes cIOS222 or 223

Hermes' cIOS 222/223

Hermes' cIOS222 and 223 are alternatives to using Waninkoko's IOS249. There are some compatibility differences that may make you wish to try these instead of cIOS249. WeHackWii recommends the use of cIOS222 installed as IOS38 merged with IOS37 over any other cIOS.


Note: Be sure to remove all GameCube memory cards and controllers prior to installation.


Standard installation

This installation method is listed as step 6 on the USB Loader guide. For prerequisites and further information, please visit the USB Loader page.

  1. Open the HomeBrew Channel and run the cIOS222 v4 Installer
  2. Choose IOS36 for install
  3. Install Custom IOS 222
  4. Use IOS38 merged with IOS37


Offline installation OR when you use Nintendo's LAN adapter

  1. Download the NUS Downloader.
  2. Copy the contents of the NUS Downloader zip file to your computer in a directory of your choice (e.g. - C:/NUSD) which will be referred to as <NUSD_dir> from now on.
  3. Use NUS Downloader to get IOS37 v3612:
    1. Select title ID 0000000100000025 v3612
    2. Ensure the Pack->WAD option is NOT checked
    3. Click Start NUS Download!
    4. Copy the contents of <NUSD_dir>/0000000100000025v3612/ to sd:/00000001/00000025/V3612/
  4. Use NUS Downloader to get IOS38 v3610:
    1. Select title ID 0000000100000026 v3610
    2. Ensure the Pack->WAD option is NOT checked
    3. Click Start NUS Download!
    4. Copy the contents of <NUSD_dir>/0000000100000026v3610/ to sd:/00000001/00000026/V3610/
  5. Use NUS Downloader to get IOS60 v6174:
    1. Select title ID 000000010000003C v6174
    2. Ensure the Pack->WAD option is NOT checked
    3. Click Start NUS Download!
    4. Copy the contents of <NUSD_dir>/000000010000003Cv6174/ to sd:/00000001/0000003C/V6174/ 
  6. Put your SD card back in your Wii
  7. Open the HomeBrew Channel and run the cIOS222 v4 Installer
  8. Choose IOS36 for install
  9. Install Custom IOS 222
  10. Use IOS38 merged with IOS37


What is this 222/223/249 IOS36, IOS37, IOS38 stuff all about?


The Wii runs on an operating system which is broken up into many Internal Operating System (IOS) files. You can learn about the many IOS files on the WiiBrew IOS History page. IOS36, IOS37, and IOS38 are official IOS files which are generally installed by Nintendo onto your Wii system.


Hackers of the Wii will utilize and modify the functionality of the official IOS files to their own end. When they put together their own IOS, it is referred to as a custom Internal Operating System (cIOS). These cIOS files are often built up from official IOS files and then installed as a new file, on your Wii they will always simply be labeled as an IOS.


Waninkoko originally modified IOS36 and installed it as IOS249. Later he modified IOS38 and installed as IOS249 or IOS250. Hermes modified IOS37 and IOS38 and installed as IOS222 or IOS223, allowing for multiple install versions. This way you can install a modified IOS37 as IOS223 and a modified IOS37 merged with IOS38 as IOS222. For the most part, the latter is all you will need. The other cIOS versions and install methods are for trying different methods of modification to allow for different attributes.


At the moment, there is no summary page discussing all the capabilities of all the cIOS options available, but if anyone becomes aware of such a page, please post.


I hope this helps you understand all the babble, but feel free to ask questions if you need further clarification.